Kumba update on residual 21.4% mining right for Sishen mine and cautionary announcement
03 November, 2015
Kumba Iron Ore Limited (“Kumba”) has received notice from the Department of Mineral Resources (“DMR”) that the Director General of the DMR has consented to the amendment of Sishen Iron Ore Company (Pty) Ltd (“SIOC’s”) mining right in respect of the Sishen mine to include the residual 21.4% undivided share of the mining right for the Sishen mine.
Kumba has noted that the consent to amend SIOC’s mining right is stated to be subject to a number of conditions, which are described by the DMR as “proposals”. Kumba and SIOC are currently considering the terms of the consent and the legal and practical implications of the proposed conditions on Kumba and SIOC. Once Kumba and SIOC have had an opportunity to engage fully with the DMR in this regard and to consider the precise meaning and scope of the proposed conditions, shareholders will be updated as appropriate.
Shareholders are advised to exercise caution when trading in the Company’s shares and securities.