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FutureSmart MiningTM: Our blueprint for the future of sustainable mining

Mining must transform in the decades ahead, starting now.

Our industry has to address its critical challenges of safety, productivity and the use of energy and water.

The global population of consumers is soaring. This indicates a greater demand for minerals and metals. But modern society rightly demands more than just high product quality. It expects the mining industry to make a positive contribution to socio-economic development while reducing its environmental footprint and supporting biodiversity.

To meet this challenge, we have applied our FutureSmart MiningTM approach to the development of what we believe will be an industry-leading Sustainability Strategy.

Developed through extensive internal and external engagement and analysis of critical opportunities and risks, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our sustainability strategy is built around three global sustainability pillars.

  • Trusted Corporate Leader
  • Thriving Communities
  • Healthy Environment

Our strategy’s mutually reinforcing elements will positively transform how our stakeholders experience our business, both locally and globally. The strategy is underpinned by a number of critical foundations. These common, minimum standards will be applied across our whole business.

You can view the full Sustainability Strategy here.

Partnerships and collaboration

We are committed to working with organisations that deal with key issues of concern to the company and its stakeholders. These organisations include:


All partnerships are built on trust and we believe transparency has a huge role to play in establishing the sense of openness and fairness that is needed for relationships with our stakeholders to flourish.

By supporting the principle of transparency through the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and other new transparency requirement, we believe we can help stakeholders better understand our businesses and the value it creates for stakeholders.

Our code of conduct

Our Code of Conduct is a single point of reference for everyone associated with the Anglo American Group – as well as the departure point for a fuller understanding of our ethical policies and procedures.

It sets out 'how' we behave to reinforce our values, and ‘what’ we do to help protect Anglo American’s name, and to make a positive difference.

*The Code of Conduct identifies the standards of conduct that Anglo American expects of its directors, employees, contractors, consultants, suppliers, agents and other business partners in order to promote behaviour consistent with our core values. The existence of the Code of Conduct in itself should not be taken as providing any representation or any other assurance that Anglo American complies with any standard or policy specified, although the Code of Conduct is intended to help support compliance. The Code of Conduct does not create any benefit or rights in favour of, and is not enforceable by, any third party.

Policies and standards

Our comprehensive set of policies, standards and principles ensure that we uphold the commitments we make to our stakeholders and work towards a common set of ambitions.


Kumba Mineral Residue Facilities and Water Management Structures Policy

Anglo American Climate Change Policy

Safety & Health

The Safety, Health and Environment [SHE] Way Standard

Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Management in Anglo American Policy


Anglo Citizenship and Business Principles

Human Rights Policy

Kolomela Mine – Social and Labour Plan (2020 – 2024)

Sishen Mine - Social and Labour Plan Extract (Led Programme 2016 – 2020)

Anglo American Social Way

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (2020 Annual Report)


Our Code of Conduct

Kumba Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Reporting Policy

Promotion of Access to Information Act Guide (PAIA guide) (Tswana)

Promotion of Access to Information Act Manual (PAIA manual)

Promotion of Access to Information Act Guide (PAIA guide)