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Building resilient communities

To be productive, safe, responsible and sustainable, our operations must live alongside thriving communities.

They are the places our people call home, our closest neighbours, and stewards of the land entrusted to us for a period of time. So we work together with local government, community leaders, and NGOs to contribute to community needs: from housing and infrastructure to healthcare, education and recreation.

That’s why in our FutureSmart MiningTM Sustainability Strategy, one of the three main pillars is to support thriving communities – alongside being a trusted corporate leader and to maintain a healthy environment.

And under the thriving communities pillar, we have set a stretch goals to 2030, including to:

  • Create five jobs off-site for every job on-site in the communities in which we operate
  • Help targeted schools in host communities perform along the top 20% of state schools

Our social partners

We recognise that our mining operations are located in areas where sustainable social and economic development is most needed. Our goal is to go beyond compliance with legal requirements as we strive for excellence and best practice in development.

Ensuring mutually beneficial relationships with our host communities is central to Kumba's responsibility to society. We believe that we share the benefits from our business fairly with our stakeholders, balancing what is needed with what is possible.

Our five pillars of community engagement and development comprise

  • Building local businesses – contributing to enterprise development at local levels to help local economies thrive
  • Encouraging education – creating and growing educational projects from early childhood development to tertiary level by ensuring young people are taught by competent, qualified teachers in suitable facilities
  • Developing skills – offering portable and technical skills development programmes to young people and those leaving our employ
  • Keeping communities healthy – ensuring our communities, our employees and their dependants have access to well-run and equipped health and welfare facilities
  • Investing in infrastructure – helping to build and maintain the infrastructure that makes our communities healthy and welcoming places

Becoming part of the community

Our social licence to operate depends on our harmonious co-existence with the communities in which we operate. This hinges on regular engagement with our stakeholders, fostering relations and forming partnerships. Based on our vision of becoming a developmental partner of choice to these communities, we also seek to understand their traditional rights and cultural heritages.

We aim for candid and transparent interactions and to create a positive legacy that will last well beyond the life of our mines. Another objective is to minimise and mitigate any adverse impacts our activities may have on the communities. The effective management of social issues is a necessary element of good overall operational management, and a source of competitive advantage.

Value distributed 2020

R5.0 billion
Total earned by employees
R15.0 billion
Total shared with shareholders
R264 million
Total community investment
R13.1 billion
Total taxes paid
R3.6 billion
spent with 314 host community and HSDA businesses

Sharing values with all the stakeholders

Each year we need to generate enough revenue to meet the legitimate needs of stakeholders. While we’re doing this we also need to think about the future, and how to ensure we remain a viable business for years to come. To do this we need to mine efficiently, keep our costs low and invest a portion of capital generated into projects that will sustain us well into the future.

We also want to use our success to help build other healthy businesses that can contribute to the South African economy. As a result more than 60% of our procurement is with BEE-suppliers and much of this is with local companies in the communities around our operations.

Siyathemba youth centre – photography workshop

As part of the youth development programme we presented the Photography Workshop for the youth of Siyathemba and the broader Kathu at the Siyathemba Youth Centre. The initiative was aimed to introduce photography, as not only an art, but also another avenue in which the unemployed youth of Siyathemba and surrounding areas could be able to generate an income and create a livelihood.

The workshop attracted 15 unemployed youth from Kathu and Siyathemba, of which eleven were female. Kumba supplied the young participants in the workshop with 15 state of the art cameras with the aim to empower them with photography skills, that will present an opportunity to explore and create alternative income opportunities as well as entrepreneurial opportunities.

In addition, we added photojournalism and Media Writing skills to introduce them to the journalism trade and teach the youth media writing skills which are pertinent to ensure they are able to and package powerful stories to package that will tell their story of Dingleton to Siyathemba.

Social and labour plan downloads


Kolomela Mine Social and Labour LED Extract 2015-2019

Sishen Mine Social and Labour Plan 2017 – 2021

Thabazimbi Mine Social and Labour Plan LED Extract 2016