IT & TECHNICAL Projects at Kathu High School
25 January, 2008
On 25 January 2008, Kathu High School launched its IT & Technical Projects which is supported and funded by Kumba Iron Ore.
In her opening address at the launch of the Old Mutual Learnership Programme recently, the Minister of Education, Naledi Pandor emphasized that part of the Department of Education's priorities over the next five years is to address the skills shortage in our country and to build human resources.
Addressing skills shortages is, however, not only the responsibility of the DOE but rather a joint initiative between all stakeholders that want to see the country prosper. To this end the business sector also needs to focus on infrastructure and capacity development in secondary schools in particular. Kumba took on this challenge and through the projects launched proving to lead the way in the development and training of learners to ultimately meet the skills shortages identified.
These shortages are especially acute in professional, artisan, IT and financial qualifications. Tool-makers, metallurgists, and engineers are hard to come by these days and we in the mining sector are extremely conscious of the fact that South Africa's skills shortages are pushing up the price of skills.
In 2006 the Educational Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP) was launched. Through this process various critical areas were identified at the High School which will now be addressed over a 5 year period to ensure quality educational programmes. Ras Myburgh, CEO of Kumba said that the school had to prioritize and submit Project Mandates to be funded by Kumba and is thus proud to announce that the school is launching not one but two new projects - a Computer Based Learning Centre and a Technical facility for the school.
Due to the current reality and because one of the focus areas of Sishen Mine is quality and seamless education, the initiative for the establishment of a high quality and well equipped technical division for Kathu High School was approved. This technical facility will allow learners to start their artisan/technical careers in Grade 8 already. When they complete Grade 12 it allows for easier access to the local FET College or into a University or University of Technology of their choice. Furthermore, with the scrapping of the N-courses at the Technical Colleges, this school will become an important recruitment source for Kumba for engineering learnerships at the mine.
The establishment of this facility allows for careers in Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The classes are equipped with the newest available mechanical equipment for practical assessments coupled with theory. It was established at a cost of R1 million.
"A further objective of this project is to bring learners of the Northern Cape back to the Mine once they graduated or obtained their qualifications to utilize their skills to the benefit of the local community and secure their skills for the mining industry" said Ras.
As part of this project various venues at the school were equipped with new, high quality computers and software to improve Mathematics and Science education of learners. Reading software was also installed. Computers were also installed in the Library to allow access for HDSA learners on subject information needed for tasks. Teachers download information from the Internet onto the system which the learners may then access to allow equal opportunities for all learners.
The Graphics & Design, as well as the Electrical Technology venues were also equipped with computers. In total one hundred (100) new computers with software were bought, installed and linked to printers donated by the Mine. An exercise that cost R838 000.
Safety fencing with a remote access system was also erected, burglar proofing for all computer venues was supplied as well as text books, laboratory equipment, subject materials and visual aid equipment was all made available, bringing the total value of the initiative to improve the quality of education at the Kathu High School to R4.5 million.