Sishen Mine illegal occupation by strikers ended
16 October, 2012
Kumba Iron Ore (Kumba) announces that the illegal occupation of the Company's Sishen Mine has been brought to an end by the police who removed the strikers in the early hours of the morning (Tuesday, 16 October 2012).
The Company has regained possession of all the heavy mining equipment which was held by the illegal strikers who occupied the mine since 3 October 2012. Any damage to equipment is being assessed and the Company has plans in place to restore the mine to full production as soon as possible.
The majority of the illegal strikers ignored an ultimatum to leave the mine and report for disciplinary hearings by 11:00 on Monday, 15 October 2012 to explain why they should not be dismissed. As a result, those persons have been dismissed. Criminal charges of extortion, intimidation, theft, trespassing, malicious damage to property and contempt of court have been laid.
On Monday, 15 October 2012, the Company served a Labour Court order on the illegal strikers, instructing them to immediately leave the mine, release the equipment they hold, and not come within 500m of the Company's premises. The Court also instructed the SAPS to remove the illegal strikers should they not obey the order.
Norman Mbazima, Kumba's Chief Executive, said that the ending of the occupation means that the Company can get back to the business of mining iron ore as soon as possible. He thanked the vast majority of employees who did not support the strike, and calls for calm. He also thanked the SAPS for bringing the occupation to an end in a professional manner. Employees will be informed today when they need to report for duty.
The Company will provide further updates as appropriate.