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Kumba Iron Ore's Kolomela Mine sets example for HCT awareness

05 May, 2014

Anglo American business unit, Kumba Iron Ore recently encouraged its thousands of employees to undergo HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) for HIV/AIDS at its Kolomela operation in the Northern Cape. In support of the initiative senior leadership from the operation publicly undertook their HIV/AIDS tests in order to set an example.

"We care about the well-being of our employees and we also understand that they are part of the community here in Postmasburg. We want to encourage everyone to know their HIV/AIDS status and participate in our programmes and initiatives that not only support those living with HIV but their families as well.

"We invite those who test HIV-positive, to enrol in our HIV disease-management programme. Through ongoing counselling and regular immune system monitoring we can ensure optimal timing of treatment," said George Benjamin, public affairs manager of Kolomela mine.

The UGM clinic, as well as others public facilities in the area, are open to everyone in the community and offers many vital HIV and AIDS related services, including HCT which is critical for the early detection of the disease.

"We offer health counselling and testing daily to all residents at both the hospital and clinic which will allow them to know both their HIV and TB status. Daily health talks are also offered - first in group format and then private individual sessions in the consulting rooms. Our communication materials are available in all local languages. These services are offered at our mobile clinics too," said Gerald Mashego, district manager of ZF Mgcawu District Health.

"We also offer pre- and post-test counselling. Post-counselling is provided irrespective of the outcome of the test results. Negative patients are encouraged to remain negative and positive patients are counselled to enrol on ART (Anti-Retroviral Therapy). We offer services to HIV positive pregnant mothers to prevent mother to child transmission of the disease."

Together with the Department of Health, Kumba has addressed the issues linked to the pandemic in order to educate both employees and communities at large about the programme. Kolomela mine's response to HIV and AIDS is part of Anglo American's global programme on the management of the disease in the workplace. The programme has won several international awards and has been heralded by many international organisations as best practice. At Kumba Iron Ore, the programme has some notable results with over 86% of all employees and over 8,000 contractors undergoing testing during 2013. Currently, over 550 employees are enrolled in the disease management programme and are receiving ongoing support and treatment.