Results of General Meeting
02 November, 2011
Shareholders are referred to various announcements released on the Securities Exchange News Service and the circular to shareholders dated 5 October 2011 relating to the proposed transactions and statutory approvals, being:
- the implied issue for cash of approximately five million Kumba shares as a result of the swap of approximately fifteen million Sishen Iron Ore Company (Proprietary) Limited ("SIOC") shares distributed to employees participating in the SIOC Employee Share Participation Scheme ("SIOC ESPS") ("Participating Employees") in exchange for Kumba shares, at the end of the first phase of Envision and subsequent repurchase by SIOC from Kumba of an equivalent number of SIOC shares;
- the proposed repurchase by Kumba of approximately five million Kumba shares from SIOC ESPS Participating Employees;
- approval of the swap of SIOC shares distributed to Participating Employees from the SIOC ESPS in exchange for Kumba shares, at the end of the second phase of Envision; and
- the approval of financial assistance in terms of sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act, 2008, to:
- subsidiaries and other related and inter-related entities; and
- directors, prescribed officers and other participants in employee incentive schemes operating in the Kumba Group.
At the general meeting of the shareholders of Kumba held today, 2 November 2011, all the ordinary and special resolutions proposed at the meeting were approved by the requisite majority of votes.
2 November 2011
Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)
Download: results_general_meeting.pdf